The language ways


1) The phonemes
2) Some game rules
3) Examples of main interpretations
4) International homonyms, or false friends

5) Stylistic devices of English

Human language includes tons of anagrams, and official stylistic devices:
1. A poem or other text in which certain letters, often the first in each line, spell out a name or message.
2. A particular kind of word puzzle: its solutions form an anagram of a quotation, and their initials often form its author.
The representation of abstract ideas or principles through characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form.
Repetition of a sound, normally a consonant, at the beginning of neighbouring words, to produce a rhythmic, and sometimes comic effect. For example: "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers"
Direct or indirect reference to something or somebody the reader or listener is supposed to recognize and respond to. An allusion may be literary, historical, biblical, etc.
The repetition of the same or similar vowel sounds within stressed syllables of neighbouring words. For example: "Try to light the fire".
The bringing together of opposing views, words or characters to emphasize their difference and usually to highlight one of the opposing elements. In contrasting two characters, the author may be showing the goodness of one by emphasizing the evil of another; in contrasting two ideas, a writer may be attempting to show how the idea he or she opposes is not as worthy of consideration as the idea he or she expounds. One form of contrasts is juxtaposition in which the writer places two quite different things together. The way in which contrast is used will show what the author or writer intended.
An expression intended by the speaker to be less offensive, disturbing, or troubling to the listener than the word or phrase it replaces. For example, the use of "to pass away" as opposed to "to die".
Exaggeration is the use of a strong overstatement. It may be used to create either a serious or comic effect. A single phrase containing an exaggeration is called hyperbole (also overstatement). Example: Nobody walks anywhere in America nowadays. (From: 'A Sedentary Nation', p. 180, l.8)
Personification is ascribing human characteristics to animals, ideas, or inanimate objects. Example: fog crept softly into the streets.
The repetition of identical or similar sounds, usually at the end of words. For example, in the following lines from a poem by A.E. Housman, the last words of both lines rhyme with each other. Loveliest of trees, the cherry now Is hung with bloom along the bough
Comparing two or more unlike things using like, as, or as if. Example: Composing the heavens like a symphony.

Other stylistic devices may also be proposed. For example:
- The acrostic continues: all the letters, syllables or time to be read vertically and horizontally.
- The replacement of a word part by another, to express the disappearance of the associated lexeme: I emptied the
basket of something, could you bet what it is ? No, I have to ask you.
- The juxtaposition of 2 parts of common or proper word, to express the combination of their lexemes: I
grustache (I grow a mustache).
- The addition of a figure phonetic corresponding to a subgroup or a repetition: they a
re about to go (can mean that it's the group including 2 women, or that it's the 2nd repetition).

1) The phonemes
2) Some game rules
3) Examples of main interpretations
4) International homonyms, or false friends
